What's Next? Virtual Malaysian-UK Students Outreach Fair 2020 (MUSOF 2020) is the continuation of What's Next? Malaysian-UK Students Outreach Fair 2019 (MUSOF 2019) which was held last year. What's Next? Virtual MUSOF 2020 sought to provide an insider's view into how undergraduate courses are run in different universities in the UK, whilst simultaneously catering for an avenue for seniors and juniors to mingle. It is a collaboration project between Young Malaysian Engineers (YME), Malaysian Bio-Science Scholars (MBIOS), Association of Economics Undergraduates (AMEU) and Malaysian Accounting and Finance Society for United Kingdom and Ireland (MACFIS).
What's Next? MUSOF was kept as the event name having considered the objectives of the fair. It reflects the ample choices students have as well as augmenting opportunities and exposure to them in the future and this fair will give them some insights into these opportunities and decisions.
Image: MACFIS Sharing Session
Image: MACFIS Q&A Session
The Malaysian Accounting and Finance Society (MACFIS) is dedicated to fostering formal and informal ties between Malaysian professional and corporate bodies and Malaysian students currently enrolled in UK institutions of higher learning.
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